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Friday, October 7, 2016

God Stood Silently

Mr. Menachem Daum is a survivor of the World War II Holocaust. Unfortunately, his mother does not get the same title as he does, because she did not make it to survive. The story of Job and the story of Fela Nussbaum and Moshe Yosef Daum, Menachem's parents, have similarities and differences. In both of these cases, these people's lives were ruined and they were tortured by god. Also in both stories, they were tortured for no good reason. Job did everything well according to God's commandments, and in fact, that is the reason that he got tortured by god. He was so faithful, that God tortured him. That seems pretty backwards and against what I would believe was right. Also, in the Holocaust, the survivors believed they were doing nothing wrong. Menachem Daum said "I don't think my mother felt the strong need for God's forgiveness. On the contrary, she told me when she's called before God in final judgement, she will turn the tables. She will demand to know why he stood silently during the Holocaust as her large family was being destroyed." In both of these cases, the people don't deserve to be punished. This leads to a difference between the stories. Fela Nussbaum starts to get very angry at God, saying that she will ask god why he stood silent, almost trying to confront him angrily. However, Job doesn't get as angry, he just gets upset and he feels helpless. Another difference between these stories is that Job doesn't die, but Nussbaum doesn't make it past the torture. Lastly, Job is blessed after the torture. After his life is completely ruined, his life becomes great. After, Fela Nussbaum's life is ruined, she dies. The sad thing is that Fela's story is real life, and Job's is just a story, while Fela's story is even worse.

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